Preschool fee relief in Long Day Care in the community
Starting in 2023, the NSW Government is making a landmark investment of $1.3 billion over 4 years to provide fee-relief to families with children in preschool. This means if a child turns 4 years old on or before 31 July 2023 the family will receive up to $2,110 in fee relief. This fee relief is available to families through long day care services in the Start Strong Long Day Care 2023 program. For more details on this, please refer to the attached factsheets with 6 languages or click into this link "Preschool fee relief in Long Day Care (nsw.gov.au)".
Referring to the information provided in this factsheet, in order to access the fee relief, the family will need to complete a declaration and consent form. The family will need to consent to childcare service sharing some of their child’s information with the NSW Department of Education and the Australian Government.
If interested, please kindly contact our three early learning centres for the details. Thank you!
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